Commission your own embroidered work of art
Fine Cell Work is a charity that has proved the extraordinary can happen. It is a social enterprise that trains prisoners in paid, skilled, creative needlework undertaken in the long hours spent in their cells to foster hope, discipline and self-esteem.
In prisons all across the UK, inmates are filling their hours embroidering highly-crafted cushion, bags, pictures and patchwork quilts. The work is of a superb quality as prisoners are taught and supported by volunteers from the Embroiderers and Quilters Guild.
The prisoners are paid for their work, which is then sold around the world; our pieces are the perfect choice for unique and handmade gifts. Some pieces are interior design commissions, others heritage pieces for organisations such as V&A, English Heritage, Tate Modern, National Gallery, Duchess of Cornwall and Prince of Wales.
About our Commissions - As each of our pieces are individually hand-made, we are able to make any variation on a product that you see on the shop section of the website. We can make almost anything that is stitched by hand, including: Cushions, Seat covers, Rugs, Quilts, Wall hangings and Stitched pictures. Other commissions include tapestry panels for shoes and slippers and panels to embellish clothing.
The Ideal Occasion Gift - Our pieces are the perfect choice for unique and handmade gifts for: Weddings, Christenings, Anniversaries, Birthdays and Keepsakes.
For weddings - We have created commemorative kneelers, ring cushions, and patchwork quilts to incorporate details from the special day. Wall hangings can be made to celebrate a special wedding anniversary or illustrate a family coat of arms. We can work to your design, or are happy to help to create designs in a wide range of styles.
How long does it take?
Products chosen from our existing ranges that can be personalised with names, dates, or phrases take about a month.
Special commissions with more bespoke details may take 3 to 6 months for the meticulous workmanship to be completed.
For Inspiration:
Popup shop in Mayfair - click to watch