Bespoke furniture and interiors
We are proud to present our collection of what we believe to be amongst the finest bespoke furniture in the world. It would be easy to regard truly excellent bespoke furniture as being a thing of the past, with your choice of contemporary furniture now being restricted to the mass produced.
It may come, therefore, as a welcome surprise to learn that Britain’s heritage of beautifully made designer furniture is in fact alive and well, with work of outstanding quality being created in workshops throughout the country. Finding this superb handmade furniture, however, has not always been easy, as many workshops do not have a 'shop window'. Now though, through Makers’ Eye, it is possible from the comfort of your own home or workplace to view and buy furniture made by the finest British designer makers.
Commissioning a piece of furniture is an exciting, inspiring process. The collaboration between client and maker results in the creation and ownership of a unique, beautiful object that has the power to enrich and enhance your life.