Hand-made equestrian bootmaker
We produce, and carry in our London shop, a range of over 2000 pairs of different types of boots for all equestrian purposes.
We offer a choice of ready-to-wear boots available from the ‘shelf’ in different fittings and, as well, factory made-to-measure boots, and our world famous hand-made, made-to-measure boots.
Our boots are worn by members of the English Royal Family and rulers of many countries and also by many of the top show jumper, dressage and event riders throughout the world, including national and international Olympic teams and riders from Helsinki 1952 to Sydney 2000, where we were chosen again to be the suppliers of riding boots for equestrian international Olympic riders. We are very confident of executing any type of boots, to your specification, from a completed self-measurement form. You can download a self-measurement form from this website, which you can then print out, or alternatively, if you contact Schnieder Boots we can post one to you.
The success of this type of mail-order is confirmed by the fact that we export to over eighty countries throughout the world.
We are confident in saying that our boots are the best available in the world as regard quality, style and fit and we are very proud to be connected with the “Household Cavalry” as official supplier of “Jack Boots” to Her Majesty The Queen’s Life-guards and Blues & Royal’s.